An anonymous donor has offered to match anything raised on our own up to $40,000. Â We will be there around 7:30PM and we would love to see some Grove City representation! Â RSVP @
Our weekly social event. Â A safe place for anyone to come hang with other progressives and a great place to meet others involved in moving our city forward!
Our weekly social event. Â A safe place for anyone to come hang with other progressives and a great place to meet others involved in moving our city forward!
Our weekly social event. Â A safe place for anyone to come hang with other progressives and a great place to meet others involved in moving our city forward!
“The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: How Viruses are Being Used to Fight Superbugs” Steffanie Strathdee Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences and Harold Simon Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Diego Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most pressing global health issues of the 21st century and is worsening with […]
Our weekly social event. Â A safe place for anyone to come hang with other progressives and a great place to meet others involved in moving our city forward!
Our live meeting to bring everyone up to speed. Â Please join us to hear all the things we’re working on and get a little training at the same time! Â We’ll see you there!!
Our weekly social event. Â A safe place for anyone to come hang with other progressives and a great place to meet others involved in moving our city forward!