Want to know what Progress Grove City is all about? Admiring what’s wonderful about our city and being vigilant about taking it to new and exciting heights!

Meet Our Team

These are our leaders that are helping us push for change in Grove City

Karen Church


Julia O’Brien


Steve Church


Mandy Gooding


Inspiring towards positive change.

A voice for our community…

Hello and thanks for checking out Progress Grove City!

This site is meant to be a hub for all the Progressive things we have going on in the Grove City area…and boy is there a LOT of it!

At the bottom of the page we’ve included some links to the public Facebook groups and pages that are run by members of our team and we hope you’ll check them out. We’ve got a myriad of ways for you to get involved and help create a better Grove City area!

For full transparency, let’s talk politics a little bit. As the creators/moderators of this site, you will likely notice that our personal politics leans to the left. BUT…that is not what this site is about. We are here to share voices left, right, and center as long as the things shared fit 3 criteria:

1. They are honest and truthful

2. They are kind and speaking in good faith

3. The comments are inclusive.

We’ll be talking quite a bit about local, statewide, and even national candidates and even some statewide initiatives. We welcome any feedback or comments as long as you follow the rules outlined above.

Additionally, the candidates or political viewpoints shared here will be the ones that our local progressive groups deem the best choice for the people of our city. We’ll be happy to discuss the pluses and minuses of any and all candidates and positions (as long as we follow the guidelines above), but our focus will be on the ones that match our morality and our goals for our neighborhoods.

Thanks again for the interest! We hope you’ll join us in being catalysts for Progress in Grove City.

What would make this website better?

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